
Monday Jul 15, 2019
The Fruit of The Spirit - Joy and Peace
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
The Fruit of The Spirit - Joy and Peace
Galatians 5:22-23
Good morning. Today we will have another lesson on the fruit pf the spirit. This time I want to look at Joy and Peace.
I want to encourage you to take out your Bibles and look at the scriptures I mention. If you have any questions about anything I say, I’ll be glad to talk to you about it. If I’m wrong, I will stand corrected.
We're going to begin in Galatians 5:22-23 – “22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23. gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”
In working on these sermons, I noticed that my sermon on Joy was almost identical to my sermon on peace. Rather than preach two similar sermons I have combined them. In addition Mark gave a great sermon on peace just a couple weeks back.
When we're talking about fruit, it carries the idea of a product. The fruit of the spirit is a product that comes from our walking in the spirit, being led by the spirit, and having a close relationship with God, to where we are walking and living by faith. In other words, if you are a Christian this is going to be a product that comes from the relationship that you have with God your Father—joy and peace.
I never met anyone who does not desire to have peace in their life, an inner calmness, tranquility, quietness. Although there are times some act like it. Nor have I ever met anyone who does not desire joy. When we're talking about joy, we’re not talking about laughing and comedy. We're talking again about an inner quietness, a calmness with which you can have a smile on your face regardless of what's happening to you.
- Joy and peace through the word of God - We're going to see in our sermon this morning that these fruits of the spirit, joy and peace are directly related to, connected to the strength of our relationship with God.
- Let’s look at Psalm 119. Here we will find there's a connection between joy and peace and our relationship with God through His Word. In Psalms 119:165 The text reads; great peace have those who love your law, and nothing causes them to stumble. If we look at Psalms 119:162 - I rejoice at your word as one who finds great treasure.
- We find one verse talking about rejoicing at Gods word, the next verse is talking about peace for those who love God’s law. The connection between these two verses is that they have found the law God, the word of God.
- As Christians we understand God has given us the truth about ourselves. The truth about where we came from. The truth about our spiritual weaknesses and our flaws and our problems - and how to deal with them. The truth about where we are going.
- God's word is not a set of chains keeping us from enjoying life, it is guidance to help us come to understand our life and get the maximum joy and peace and tranquility out of it. It is the one who finds the law of God, His word, who is going to find joy and peace.
- The same thing is stated again over and Jeremiah 15:16 your words were found, and I ate them and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart for I am called by your name O Lord God of hosts.
- It is not just enough to say I believe the Bible is the word of God. I assume everybody here this morning does, but that's not enough.
- You’ve got do something with it. In this text in Jeremiah, he didn't just find it. It says he ate it, in other words he consumed it. We are to digest it mentally, take it into our mind through our eyes and our ears, letting it fill up our mind and our heart.
- We will find that if we do not have the word of God in our mind, in our heart, we are not going to have a close relationship with God.
- We have studied this before. The strength of our relationship is dependent upon communication and if we do not let God speak to us we will be missing out on something we desperately need in our life.
- All of us already recognize we desire joy, and we desire peace. We need the word of God to have joy and peace.
- If you were to examine your life and you think wait a minute, I call myself a Christian and a member of the body of Christ why is it I am not experiencing the fruit of the spirit… what’s wrong? You are not alone. Many times, there are men and women in the body of Christ who say I am just not at peace. There is no joy in my life
- There's turmoil in my life and yet I'm a Christian. What's wrong?
- We need to realize the answer to that question is in our personal relationship with God. It is that relationship and the strength of that relationship that is going to bear this fruit.
- It's not just enough to know the word of God and that it is the word of God. You've got to take it into your mind and your heart. He says; and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.
- In Proverbs 3:1-2 - my son do not forget my law but let your heart keep my commandments for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. And in Isaiah 32:17 - The work of righteousness will be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever.
- Looking at these two verses together, the one in Proverbs is talking about not forgetting the law and keeping the commandments. It's not enough to recognize the bible as the word of God. It's not even enough to just know what it says. You’ve got to use it.
- Indeed, we can know what the word of God says to do and not do it. There are many in the world like this. When we assemble and edify one another it's not that we must convince each other of what the truth is—it is encouraging each other to do what we already know and already believe the truth to be.
- God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows exactly how we are to live our life to get maximum fulfillment and peace and joy out of it. If we do not keep His commandments, we should not be surprised when our life has turmoil. It's really that simple.
- The text we read next in Isaiah is talking about the work of righteousness. If we are keeping His commandments and His righteousness in our life, - that will bring peace.
- The effect is going to be peace and quietness. There it is… quietness, peace and joy. If we say that I'm not experiencing joy, then we need to ask are we keeping His commandments.
- God's word is not there to destroy our life or make us miserable. God's word is there to set us free so we can experience joy and peace.
- Joy And Peace Through Our Faith In God – Another verse I would like us to look at is Romans 15:13. Here again getting back to the relationship with God it says; Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- This verse makes the point quite clearly. How are we filled with joy and peace? By believing. This gets back to our faith, our trust, our confidence in God and our relationship with God.
- I wonder sometimes if we realize we are not alone. He will never leave us nor forsake us.
- Do you believe that? Do you believe that God is with you? Do you believe He knows your name? Do you believe He loves you? Do you believe He's in your life? That His hand is in your life?
- We need to realize that our answers to these questions are going to determine whether we are experiencing joy and peace.
- If you think you're alone, if you think you're facing all your struggles and all your battles by yourself, that God is not with you, God doesn’t care, or God’s not going to help you… you're not going to have joy and peace.
- 26:3 says; you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. If you want to experience this peace, this perfect peace, it is going to come from your mind on God, your eyes on the Lord with total trust in Him.
- It's easy to talk about how much we trust God when everything's going well. As long as the water is smooth everything goes fine.
- I look at it this way; when Peter and the Apostles saw Jesus coming to them walking on the water, they thought it was a spirit.
- Impetuous Peter said Okay if you’re the Lord bid me to come to you.
- Jesus said come.
- This verse makes the point quite clearly. How are we filled with joy and peace? By believing. This gets back to our faith, our trust, our confidence in God and our relationship with God.
- Let’s look at Psalm 119. Here we will find there's a connection between joy and peace and our relationship with God through His Word. In Psalms 119:165 The text reads; great peace have those who love your law, and nothing causes them to stumble. If we look at Psalms 119:162 - I rejoice at your word as one who finds great treasure.
- Peter stepped out and actually walked on the water a little bit. Think about that. He actually walked on the water for a few steps and then when he looked around him and he saw the wind was boisterous, the text says he began to be afraid and sink. Remember what Jesus said to him? Oh, thou of little faith why did you doubt?
- Why did Peter sink? I cannot prove this, but I strongly suspect if it would have been a day when it was calm, there was no wind and he could've seen Jesus face to face and known all along that it was Jesus, by sight, Peter would have walked to Jesus. But what Peter saw was the wind and the waves, and he became afraid, he lost his faith and began to sink.
- We are the same way. If the water is smooth, there is no wind and everything's fine, we just think everything's OK in my life. I'm happy. God is with me… When the storm comes, when we're surrounded by all kinds of things falling apart, it is then the real test of our faith shows up.
- What the Lord wants from us is an unwavering faith and trust in the middle of the storm. It is easy to be at peace when the water's smooth, but the water isn’t always smooth. Trust in Him. Keep your mind focused on Him and realize He really is with you, and He is faithful. He's not going to leave you. He is not going to forsake you. The Lord is pro nobis (for us)
- In First Peter 1:8 - whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,
- The text says we haven't seen him, but we love Him. We have talked about that before. Not only do we love Him because we believe, but it goes on to say that we rejoice with inexpressible joy.
- Where two or three are gathered together in His name He is here in our midst. Do we believe that? Do you believe that Christ who died on the cross for you is here with you right now? Do we believe He is always with us?
- If we answer that question with a no, then we cannot expect to enjoy the fruit of the spirit. It is by our trust in Him and by our faith and confidence in Him that we will come to experience this joy which is inexpressible.
- The writer in Psalms put it this way in Psalms 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him.
- The writer says his heart trusted in Him, and he is helped.
- Because of this his heart greatly rejoices.
- Our experiencing of the fruit of the spirit is going to be directly proportional to our trust in God, our relationship with God, and the strength of that relationship.
- Joy And Peace Through Salvation In Christ - Let's continue in Philippians where Mark was a couple of weeks ago. If you do not recall what the primary theme of the book of Philippians is, I would say you will find it in Philippians 4:4; Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! It is an informal letter with no doctrinal arguments. It is a letter of love and gratitude. It is a tender, warm-hearted, loving friend and brother presenting the essential truths of the gospel in terms of friendly discourse. Paul found in them constant reasons for rejoicing.
- It was written by the apostle Paul when he was in prison. There were people that were preaching the gospel of Christ out of envy and strife. Philippians 1:15. He was facing the possibility that he may be executed.
- What kind of letter would you expect from someone in prison, who may be convicted soon and there are those working against him?
- You would expect a very negative, woe is me letter, wouldn't you? Yet, the book of Philippians is the exact opposite. The primary theme of it is rejoicing and it is not just saying rejoice, it says rejoice in the Lord. It gets back to that relationship. This is the whole focus of the book of Philippians.
- It is this joy and peace and contentment and tranquility that comes from the relationship with God. You know what Paul said. I can do all things. How? Through Christ who strengthens me. It always comes back to that.
- In Psalms 35:9 we read; And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord; It shall rejoice in His salvation. Christians should be the happiest people in the world. We need to let that sink in. We are children of God. The majority of us that are here this morning have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are in Christ Jesus.
- The blood of Christ has cleansed you of your sins. You have been reconciled to God. You are no longer an enemy of God. You're a friend of God.
- He knows you. Your name is in the book of life. When we die, we get to go to be with the Lord which is far better.
- The whole point of the Philippians letter in chapters 1 and 2 tells us to live in Christ.
- Is the idea to stay alive? That's clearly not it, is it? I will rejoice in the Lord and stay with the Lord. If I die that's even better, I get to go be with the Lord.
- I don't see how anybody can meditate on the book of Philippians and not have peace or experience joy when they believe what it is teaching. We are saved!
- Christians should be the happiest people on the face of the earth with that consciousness of our salvation, being reconciled to God, knowing we are going to heaven. The image that Christians go around looking like we've been weaned on pickle juice, always groping and probing, thinking everything's terrible, everything stinks, and everything is negative it totally wrong. It doesn't stink and it's not negative, it's great, it is glorious!
- We're going to heaven and we are going to experience eternal life with God almighty!
- Isaiah says in Isaiah 61:10 - I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. I dare say that most of us enjoy weddings. They're fun. Everybody is rejoicing. Everybody is happy and when the bride comes down the aisle everybody goes Wow! Everybody's happy.
- Folks, the church, that’s us, is the bride of Christ. Through the blood of Christ, you have been cleansed. When you stand before God in the Day of Judgment it is going to be the most wonderful moment of your existence.
- John says in 1st John 1:1-3 - That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life 2. the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us 3. that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
- Then John near the closing of the book says in 1st John 5:13 - I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. [ESV]
- We ask our self; do we know that we have eternal life? If we don't know that, then something's wrong. If you're sitting there thinking I'm not really sure I’m going to go to heaven, why? If we think; I'm not sure I’m saved, why?
- If we're living in sin, we may have a reason to be thinking that, but if you believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and you're keeping his commandments by faith, love the brethren, and when you do sin you ask God's forgiveness, and turn from it, then rest assured, you know Him.
- Because you know Him you should know that you have eternal life and have the consciousness of your salvation. Knowing; I’m right with God. My sins have been forgiven. Whatever it is that I have said and done that was separating me from God has been dealt with. There is peace between myself and my creator and I am ready to go when I am called.
- It was written by the apostle Paul when he was in prison. There were people that were preaching the gospel of Christ out of envy and strife. Philippians 1:15. He was facing the possibility that he may be executed.
- It is from that consciousness that we learn to rejoice in the Lord and experience a joy that the text says is inexpressible because we know and believe that we have eternal life.
- Nobody's life is always smooth, clear water. There are good moments and then there are bad moments. There are days when it seems like everything is going great and everything you touch turns to gold, everything is a wonderful blessing. Then there are days, I'm sure you've experienced, that before nine a.m. comes, you're ready to hide.
- I have had days where it seems like everything I touch falls apart. Days when I was afraid to touch anything because everything breaks. I wanted to go to bed, pull up the covers and wait for a better day.
- We need to remember that when those days come, we can still have joy; we can still have peace; even though everything's falling apart around us.
- Paul’s life was not a bed of roses by any means. We know from scripture all the things that happened to him and the things that threatened. Life, even for Paul, was not a straight path. More of a zig zag and that is the way it is for us.
- Joy And Peace In Times Of Pain And Sorrow - Even though our life is a zig zag of high moments of good and then bad moments when everything drops out the bottom, our joy, our peace, our contentment, our quietness and our calmness can be, - listen to this, - constant.
- Our joy can be constant and not be taken from us by the changing of our environment, not be taken from us because of the storms of life. Psalms 42:5 - Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. We've all been there. The writer gives the answer, hope in God.
- Here again we're getting back to our relationship, our trust in God, our hope in God, confidence in God, faith in God. Because of this we realize God's going to help us. He's not going to leave us; He'll never leave us nor forsake us… even in the middle of the storm.
- Did God leave Paul when Paul was in prison? Read the 2nd Corinthians letter in the 11th and 12th chapters with what Paul went through and ask yourself when did God leave Paul?
- When he was being beaten in Philippi did God leave him?
- When he was being stoned or shipwrecked did God leave him?
- Our joy can be constant and not be taken from us by the changing of our environment, not be taken from us because of the storms of life. Psalms 42:5 - Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. We've all been there. The writer gives the answer, hope in God.
- He never left him, did He?
- God allowed him to go through those things.
- God's going to allow you to go through storms and trials and suffering, but he will help you. He will strengthen you. He will be there for you.
- Psalms 119:50 - This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life. Earlier we were talking about our relationship with God and by the strength of that relationship comes the strength of our joy and peace.
- We need to emphasize that there's a direct connection between the word of God and our joy. When we find ourselves going through the storms of life we need to let God speak to us.
- I wonder, do we realize there are parts of the word of God that are given to us expressly for that purpose? God’s speaking to us in the middle of the storm.
- I would encourage us that whenever the bottom drops out in our life and everything comes crashing down, that is when we go to the Word of God. That's not the time to run from God and isolate yourself and try to stand alone and fix it all by yourself. That's when we cling to God.
- That's when we draw strength from the Lord and learn the meaning of the verse, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
- Often those who preach at funerals do so from the 1st Thessalonian It says in the close of the fourth chapter; Therefore comfort one another with these words. It's given to comfort people when they have loved ones who have died in the Lord. That part of the Word of God is given for a specific purpose.
- There are many of the verses in the Bible that will be useful to you in your life. No matter what trial you're going through there are verses that hit you exactly where you are.
- God has given these verses for those moments in your life. You need to feed on them, meditate on them, and let them sink into your heart and mind. I'm telling you, brethren, it works, but you have to open your Bible and do it.
- In Philippians 4:6-7 – we read; Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7. and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
- Again, what we see here is relationship. God is speaking to us through His word and we are listening to Him and taking it into our heart and mind, and then we in turn are speaking to God, casting our cares upon Him because He cares for us.
- When we go through the trials of life, that's not a time to stop praying. I strongly suggest that if you don't have a strong prayer life you need to start today.
- If we are not experiencing this peace and joy that we are talking about, we need to ask why. One thing we need to check is what kind of prayer life do we have?
- Let me put it this way to those who are husbands and wives. If you never talked to each other, what kind of relationship will you have? I’m in general a quiet person. Its one thing for a person to be quiet for a period of time but if they never talk, something's wrong isn’t it? You need communication and the stronger the communication the stronger the relationship. The more communication, the more understanding develops and the closer you get. Talk with God.
- The verse begins by saying be anxious for nothing. That's telling us not to be worried. These verses indicate to me that there’s a storm going on, but there is no need to be anxious about it.
- So how do you deal with it? by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. What is the next phrase here? and the peace of God There is the peace. It is the fruit of the spirit, the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.
- I would suggest to you that's not make believe. This peace does actually exist and we can experience it. It comes by casting our care upon Him and realizing He hears our prayers. Having faith that the hand of God is in your life. You're not alone. He will hear your prayers.
- Psalms 4:8 - I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Here you are at the end of the day; and have you ever had a day that was so tough you were glad it was over? Here you are now in your bedroom and you close your day with prayer. You close your day meditating on the word of God and God being in your life. At the end of the day whenever you are close to God, you can close your eyes in peace.
We’ll close with Psalms 30:5 - For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.
Just as our life is not a rocket taking off in a straight line where everything is always good and wonderful, your life is also not a rock that continues to drop with everything going bad.
It is a mixture of joy, and of trials; a mixture of wonderful blessings, and suffering. Right now, as I'm speaking to you, every one of us has something wrong, don't we? Something in our lives is wrong. It may be physical trials. It may be physical ailments. It may be loved ones dying. It may be financial struggles. It may be spiritual battles we're going through. We've all got something wrong but there's something else about all of us.
There are a lot of things that are right. Aren't there? There are a lot of blessings. You are alive and you're here. There are a lot of physical blessings being showered upon us this very day. Then there are those spiritual blessings that we have in Christ Jesus and the knowledge that no matter how bad it may be, whatever suffering we're going through in the present life, is not worthy to be compared with the glory that's going to be revealed in us whenever we are with God Almighty.
Whenever we are in heaven and we will be, whenever we are there with God, and we will be, whenever we are experiencing that eternal life, we're not going to be concerned about a tough time back here on this earthly plane. It will be a dark memory in the mist that we will probably give no thought to whatsoever because we will have reached our goal, what we're trying to get to; we will be with our God.
I'll close with Paul's statement. He learned to be content in whatever state he was in. His contentment and joy were not contingent, not dependent upon his environment and what was happening to him. How could he do that? He could do all things through Christ.
The whole point of this lesson is if you want to experience the fruit of the spirit, you strengthen your relationship with God because that's where it comes from. If the relationship is weak do not expect to enjoy the fruit of the spirit. It's a product that comes from our relationship with God. It is because of our relationship with God we can experience the joy and peace which does not go away, which is constant, regardless of what happens to us.
There may be somebody here this morning who is not a member of the body of Christ. If you believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God and you're willing to confess your faith and repent of your sins, we will be glad to assist you and baptize you. Your sins will be washed away. They'll be forgiven and when you make peace with God you will come to enjoy the peace of knowing that you're safe.
If you're a child of God and you wonder if you are saved, then consider why you are uncertain. Is there sin that you have committed that you haven't dealt with? If that is describing you, I encourage you to deal with it. Take it to God. Ask His forgiveness. God is gracious and He is faithful. The blood of Christ is there for you. You can be forgiven. You're not going to be at peace with God until you know you're forgiven… and you know that. Deal with the sin.
We'll pray for you. We'll pray with you. We will do the best we can to encourage you and strengthen you. If you are subject to the Gospel call in any way let us know while we stand and sing the song that has been selected.
Invitation song: 485 “Does Jesus Care”
Reference sermon by: Wayne Fancher
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