
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Give Me The Bible
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
2 Timothy 3:14-17
A Christian writer recalls a time when he was scheduled to attend a lectureship on the campus of Ohio State University.
As he was being driven to the lecture,
he passed the new Wexner Art Center
and the driver told him,
“This is a new art building for the university.
It is a fascinating building
designed in the post-modernist view of reality.”
Post-Modernist view of reality?... what does that mean?
Well, apparently the building had no pattern.
There were staircases that didn’t go anywhere.
And there were pillars that didn’t support anything.
And the architect was praised (by somebody)
for designing a building to reflect how he saw life.
He saw life as going nowhere
and as being mindless and senseless.
The Christian writer turned to his driver and asked,
“Did they do the same thing with the foundation?”
To that the driver laughed and said “Oh no.
You can’t do that with a foundation.”
Then the writer commented “You can get away with the infrastructure of a building being mindless and senseless.
But once you start tampering with the foundations of a building, you begin experiencing serious side-effects.
I’ve talked with contractors who’ve refurbished old homes
and they tell me that they don’t care what the rest of the house looks like - as long as the roof and the foundation are sound, they’ll invest their time and money in it.
But otherwise, they won’t touch it.
That’s what our text this morning 2nd Tim. 3:14-17 is talking about:
If you want to GROW HIGHER in your faith,
you’ve gotta have a good foundation.
If your foundation is NOT sound,
then the rest of your faith will crumble…
Beginning in verse 14 of 2 Tim. 3
14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whoma you learned it
15and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
16All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
17that the man of Godb may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Paul was writing to his young co-worker Timothy
and told Timothy NOT to neglect his foundation.
“… Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed,
knowing how from childhood
you have been acquainted with the sacred writings,
which are able to make you wise for salvation
through faith in Christ Jesus.
ALL SCRIPTURE is breathed out by God.”
Now what Paul’s saying is this:
The Sacred writings (the Scripture) is your foundation.
And you know you can trust that foundation…
because it belongs to God.
The Bible is God’s book - it is “God Breathed!”
What does that mean?
It means that there is no other book
that’s equal to the Bible that you have in your hands.
God has breathed into the Bible and gave it a life of its own.
Do you remember when God created Adam?
What did God do to Adam before Adam became a living being?
Genesis 2:7 “The LORD God formed the man of dust
from the ground and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life,
and the man became a living creature.”
When God BREATHED into Adam…
he became a living creature.
And God breathed the Bible
and it became a living Book!
It is alive with power!
And when we read it,
it touches and shapes us,
and gives us life.
Hebrews 4:12 “… the word of God is living and active,
sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the division of soul and of spirit,
of joints and of marrow,
and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
And in Isaiah 55:10-11 we read
“… as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return there
but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower
and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be
that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
In 1941, J.B. Phillips translated the New Testament
into the modern English language.
Today, English-speaking Christians
have dozens of Bible translations to choose from.
There is no one-to-one correspondence of words
between different languages,
so translation is an art as well as a science.
In Phillips’ day, there were very few translation options,
but today we would recommend a translation
done by a notable team of scholars,
like the King James Version,
American Standard Version,
or the English Standard Version,
as a reliable Bible for reading and study.
Following the work of translating the New Testament
JP Phillips wrote: “Although I did my utmost
to preserve an emotional detachment,
I found again and again
that the material under my hands was strangely alive:
it spoke to my condition in the most uncanny way.”
God’s written Word is a powerful force.
And frankly, all we need to do is speak its words,
and when we do speak the words of Scripture
people become convicted
and are faced with the need to change.
Even Satan (himself) couldn’t deal with the power of God’s word. Do you remember the story of Jesus
fasting in the Wilderness 40 days and 40 nights.
The devil found Jesus and tried to tempt Him.
And do you remember the words Jesus spoke
that stopped Satan in his tracks?
Every time Jesus was tempted… He said “It Is Written…”;
“It Is Written”; “it is written.”
Jesus didn’t say to Satan: “I TELL YOU”.
He said “IT IS WRITTEN.”
If that statement protected Jesus (the Son of God),
you know it can do the same for us.
It’s hard to comprehend the forcefulness of God’s words.
YOU may not understand
the power of words in the book you hold,
and I may not fully understand its power,
but… it’s there!!!
And we can trust it.
Now Paul takes this one step further:
he basically implies
that we need to know what the Bible says
in order to know what is right and wrong,
because the Bible is the foundation of your morality.
Repeating today’s text:
“All scripture is breathed out by God
and is profitable for teaching,
for reproof,
for correction,
and for training in righteousness,
that the man of God may be complete,
equipped for every good work.”
There was a man who told of visiting
his grandmother’s home as a boy.
She would buy a jigsaw puzzle…
and then throw away the box,
and he would try to put the puzzle together –
but he had no idea whether the puzzle was of a barn,
or an antique car.
Without the picture on the box
he had no idea how the puzzle fit together.
The Bible is the picture on the box
that helps us see how the picture should fit together.
The Bible sets the tone of what is moral –
and what is not moral.
And we should never read Scripture
and then ask ourselves whether or not we AGREE with it.
An old -time minister encouraged his congregation
to read the entire Bible.
The more they read…
the angrier they got,
because a lot of what they read
(particularly in the Old Testament)
didn’t sound like the God they wanted to worship.
But the more each person read,
the more they realized –
they had wanted God to be like them.
They wanted a God they could agree with.
It had never occurred to them
that God was calling them to be like Him.
A God who could change their thinking and their lives.
Once a man was being chased by a tiger.
He was running as fast as he could,
but the tiger was getting closer and closer.
Eventually, the man reached the edge of a cliff
with the tiger still behind him.
He looked down and saw a branch
growing out of the side of the cliff
just a few feet down.
He jumped off the cliff and grabbed the branch.
Just then, a mouse came out of a hole near the branch
and began to chew on it.
The man was scared to see
that the branch was getting loose
and he would surely fall to his death if he let go.
So, he looked up to the sky and yelled,
“Dear God, please help me. Please save me.
I will do anything you ask me to do.”
Suddenly, a voice came booming from the sky and questioned, “You will do anything I ask?”
The man was shocked to hear the reply
and replied back,
“I will do anything but please save me.”
The voice from the sky replied,
“There is only one way to save you,
but it will take courage and faith.
Can you do what I ask?
Do you have faith?”
The man was sooooo scared seeing
that the branch was getting loose
and the tiger was still growling at him
from the top of the cliff.
So, he replied, “Please God,
tell me what to do.
I will do whatever you say.
Your will is my will.”
The voice from heaven said,
“All right then, let go of that branch.”
After a long silence,
the man looked down again
at the thousand-foot drop and certain death,
and then he slowly looked up again and yelled,
“Is anyone else up there??”
Now, the Bible repeatedly tells us we have a choice.
We can choose to listen to the wisdom of men,
or we can choose to listen to GOD.
Psalm 1:1-2 tells us to be careful who we listen to:
“Blessed is the man who walks not
in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law
he meditates day and night.
And Jesus said that we should be careful to listen to HIM. Matthew 7:26-27 “Everyone who hears these words of mine
and does not do them
will be like a foolish man
who built his house on the sand.
And the rain fell,
and the floods came,
and the winds blew and beat against that house,
and it fell,
and great was the fall of it."
But even people who are smarter than you and I
have made the mistake of listening to someone other than God… and thus not listening to God.
From what I understand…
Harvard University has recently suffered a great deal of problems. There’s been campus unrest,
and charges of plagiarism
that have led the University’s president to resign.
And you have to wonder
what led to the troubles Harvard now has.
It’s as if this once great college has lost its bearings
and doesn’t seem to know what kind of decisions to make.
Well, part of the reason Harvard is in its present mess,
is because they’d gotten used to listening to someone
other than God.
You see, Harvard was once a divinity school,
established to train preachers for the pulpit.
When Harvard was founded,
its motto was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae –
“Truth (God’s truth) for Christ and the Church.”
Its original crest showed three books –
and one of them was face down
to symbolize the limitation of human knowledge.
But over the years,
that 3rd book has been turned FACE UP
to represent the unlimited capacity of the human mind.
And the motto has been changed to one word
“Veritas” meaning (“Truth.”)
Not God’s truth… but man’s truth.
That’s part of the reason Harvard is in trouble.
Once they abandoned God’s Word as their foundation
morality is now based on man’s opinions–
rather than facts.
And that’s why our culture is in such a mess.
God’s truth has been so ignored
that we’ve gotten to the point
where educated people can’t tell you
what a woman is;
Can’t accept the fact that men can’t get pregnant;
Can’t understand why men (pretending to be women)
can’t compete in women’s sports.
Without God’s moral compass (the Bible)
mankind… is lost.
Now, by contrast,
there was a study done a few years back
that found that people who study
or meditate on scripture 4 or more times a week
are stronger in their faith than those who don’t.
They called it the rule of four:
They found that people who read OR study
the Bible 4 or more times a week were
- 228% more likely to share their faith with others
- Over 400% more likely to memorize scripture
- 59% less likely to view pornography
- 30% less likely to struggle with loneliness
In other words,
the Bible shapes the morality and strength of believers.
All you have to do is read it JUST 4 TIMES A WEEK.
we need to build our lives on the foundation of Scripture
to assure ourselves of our salvation.
In our text Paul tells Timothy:
“… Continue in what you have learned
and have firmly believed,
knowing how from childhood
you have been acquainted with the sacred writings,
which are able to make you wise for salvation
through faith in Christ Jesus.”
The sacred writings (the Bible)
are the foundation of our salvation.
Scripture makes us WISE for salvation
through our faith in Christ Jesus.
So (Timothy) was to continue in what he’d learned
and had firmly believed.
Otherwise, he would NOT be wise for salvation in Jesus.
If he lost the foundation of his faith
(that he found in Scripture) –
if he abandoned the Bible as the foundation of his faith –
he wouldn’t know anything about Jesus
because everything he (& you and I) know about Jesus
was right here (in the Bible).
Timothy KNOW your Bible…
because if you don’t know your Bible,
you could lose out on knowing Jesus.
And that would be a great tragedy!!!
CLOSE: By contrast…
the message found in Scripture can lead people to salvation.
Almost everyone has heard the story of
the Mutiny on the Bounty.
The Bounty was a British ship
which set sail for the South Seas in 1787.
The crew had been sent to the Pacific
to plant fruit trees on some of the islands
so other ships could use them later.
After 6 months on one of these islands
the sailors mutinied.
They liked the climate,
and the native girls
and the ease of island life,
and so they set Captain Bligh adrift at sea
and set about living the island life.
Unfortunately for them
Bligh made it home
and an expedition was launched,
and 14 of the mutineers were captured and tried.
However, 9 mutineers,
along with 6 native men and 12 Tahitian women
settled on Pitcairn Island in 1790.
Eventually one of the sailors soon began distilling alcohol,
and the little colony went downhill from there.
Disease and murder took the lives
of all the sailors… EXCEPT one.
The ONE sailor who survived was Alexander Smith.
He became bored
and searched thru the belongings of the dead men of the ship,
and in an old chest from the Bounty,
he found… a Bible.
He began to read it and then to teach it
to all the others he came in contact with.
The result was that his own life
and the lives of all those in the colony were changed.
20 years later a British ship found the colony
and were amazed that
the little community of survivors
were happy and industrious.
They found there was no jail,
no whisky,
no crime,
and no laziness.
All they saw were people who had built their lives on
the foundation of God’s word!
May we strongly move forward together as a congregation… remembering the words given to Joshua
in Joshua 1: 7 – 8
7Only be strong and very courageous,
being careful to do according to all the law commanded you.
Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left,
that you may have good successa
wherever you go.
8This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall meditate on it day and night,
so that you may be careful
to do according to all that is written in it.
For then you will make your way prosperous,
and then you will have good success.
Sermon Contributor : Jeff Strite
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